Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You're All a Bunch of Mental Defectives

No, really.  Apparently, you are.  Or at least those are the odds.

The article seems to be worried about the corrupting effect of the new APA manual, and the profiteering potential for the pharmaceutical companies.  Though it is easy to understand and agree with those concerns, I have a different take.

I haven't seen where anyone else has pointed out this angle, but the real threat to making everything a psychological disorder is that such a diagnosis can then be used to deny the individual a right to purchase a firearm.  See USC, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 44, Section 922(g)(4).

So quit worrying about all the profiteering and focus on the threat to our constitutional liberty.  What they're really after is our guns.  Before you scoff, Section 922(g)(8) has been used by many liberal judges to achieve the same effect by issuing a restraining order on the male spouse in every single divorce proceeding under their purview whether or not even requested by the other spouse or state, or warranted by actual evidence or suspicion.

They want our guns and they will do anything to get them, especially through lawfare.  And there are already enough codified restrictions on gun ownership for them to achieve this without any further laws, let alone an outright prohibition.  Incremently - the Left, like the Islamists they sympathize with (if not support), are very patient - they will regulate our freedoms away little by little and always using the justification of some sort of academic or scientific authority (or emotional event, like the Tuscon shooting).  They'll never knock on our doors and demand our firearms or other freedoms.  Instead, we'll just wake up one day and they'll be gone.

Still think I just being paranoid?  Well, please name for me a single one of the first ten amendments to the Constitution that has not been infringed upon by our federal government, especially over the past century.  This is what progressives do, and they have slowly taken control of almost every scientific and academic institution in our country precisely so that they can achieve these types of social engineering.

It's not paranoia, but simply a recognition of reality.

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