Friday, November 19, 2010

The TSA Controversy, Continued...

Charles Krauthammer absolutely devastates the entire TSA screening process.

And his point is succinct without even stating it to its full extent.  Because we refuse to profile what amounts to less than 1% of all domestic airline passengers (and probably less than that), we are all stuck playing a silly game of charades for the sake of... well, no one.  In the end, we aren't even looking for terrorists, only objects that might possibly be used by them, if any were even aboard that given plane.  But yet all of us must suffer.

But why is it so?  On one side, you have the argument that passenger profiling equals a violation of civil rights.  On the other, you have the argument that such a security system would be far too expensive.  But yet the former are entirely silent regarding federally mandated sexual assault, and the latter don't seem to consider subjecting 100% of passengers to screening as less of a burden than focusing on the less than 1% we need to actually worry about.

Ironically, this demonstrates the obvious fact that Juan Williams was fired from NPR for stating, and thus why he was fired - not for lying, but for telling the truth.  Because if we dismantle the idiotic political correctness of our airline "security" system, why we might actually begin to rationalize, and then dismantle, quite a few other government programs.  And if that happens, what the hell will the worthless bureaucrats who concoct ridiculous authoritarian schemes such as this one do for a living?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The TSA Controversy

There has been quite a bit of uproar over the new TSA full-body scanning machines, and the invasion of privacy for those who chose to opt out, and thus receive a public frisking of an intimate nature.  Allow me to calm all your concerns.

First of all, we have nothing to fear from the back-scatter X-ray machines.  How do I know?  Well, George Soros is making money off of them, so they must be good for us!

Second of all, why is everone complaining about getting their junk rubbed in public?  Some people would pay for that!  Or so I've been told...

Anyway, I think the real problem with our imbecilic airport security system can be summed up in this one photograph swiped off Drudge:

Like virtually every other government initiative, we're letting the fox guard the henhouse, or actually worse, we're mandating it!  What could possibly go wrong?

Curtis Got Slapped

You must stop whatever it is you are doing and read this now.  You'll absolutely love page 31, not to mention the list of demands.  Just trust me, it's worth it.

Reminds of the time a certain friend shrewdly sent a letter to Rupert Murdoch asking him to pay off his student loan.  Except this goes way beyond that, and into bat-shit crazy-land.

I predict an Iowahawk parody of that demand list coming very, very soon...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Inaugural Post

I decided to start this blog because a little voice in my cell phone told me to.  I really hope they're not friends with the voices in my head, or this could end badly.

Anyway, I'm sure most of you are aware that there was an election yesterday.  It seems most of us voted for Republicans because we're really bad people who hate unicorns.  And we're stupid.  And racist.  Which explains why this guy won.

Though relieved, I'm not thrilled that the GOP took control of the House, mainly because I'm not sure they've learned their lesson(s).  But if they can at least de-fund Obamanomics until a rational fiscal/economic policy can replace it, we'll be better off in the long run.  I'm guessing the president knows this, and will push Pelosi & Reid to try to shove every wet dream of the totalitarian Left through the lame duck session.

However, Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton - lacking both the latter's political deftness and ideological flexibility - and anyone who thinks otherwise is going to get a clear wake-up call over the next two years.  I predict he will go down flailing, clinging to his imaginary demons of past presidents, and his personal belief in the ignorance and paranoia of the American citizenry.  That should go well (Note to self: Buy plenty of popcorn).

And if his efforts to convince the unwashed masses of his intellectual superiority and divine omniscience don't work, and even if they do, he'll use the self-serving and parasitic bureaucracy of the executive branch to subvert our freedoms everywhere he can.  In that case, Darrell Issa may become our best friend over the next two years - not that the Old Media will report any of the information he uncovers - though it's quite possible the congressman may set a new record for nominations to Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World award.  I can almost feel the spittle now.  Speaking of, a wise man once said that the Democrats are much more insane in defeat, and from my experience that tends to be true.  And that vicious anger won't serve them well while they control the White House & the Senate.

In conclusion, for the so-called Democratic Party, the great lesson to be learned from the 2010 election is that it should be viewed as the direct result of their forcible governance since the previous election.  This can be summarized by a quote from one of the best baseball movies of all time, Bull Durham:

"Relax, all right? Don't try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they're fascist. Throw some ground balls - it's more democratic."

I think we all know what that means.